This is a visualization of the current single-winner voting systems.

It is recommended that you read the entire introduction before you try the simulation out, because the concepts therein are essential.

Opinion plane

The ideal electoral system is the one that straightforwardly and most accurately represents the preferences of voters. This is the goal every voting system strives for.
To represent the opinions of voters and candidates, an opinion plane is a must-have. Inside our simulation, the placement of a voter/candidate on the x and y axis represents their opinion, meaning the closer the voter is to a candidate, the more similar their opinions are.

opinion visualization example with arrows


In our visualization the voters are marked with a smaller circle, and the candidates are marked with a bigger circle. If a voter has the same color as a candidate, it means that the voter voted for the candidate.

However, this is (only) a simulation. In real life there is no such thing as 2 different and independent opinion axes.

Also, in our simulation, voters know every candidate's exact opinion. That does not resemble a real life scenario, because sometimes it's in a candidate's best interest to lie about their opinion. So in today's world we don't know who we can trust.

opinion visualization example

Voter types

There are two ways a voter may vote: honestly, or tactically. The honest way is the intended way, the other is a consequence of the weaknesses of some voting systems.